Lotus Hot Wheels conceptAuto

Компания Lotus представила скетч своего нового концептуального автомобиля Lotus Hot Wheels® Concept в рамках демонстрации будущего направления дизайна их автомобилей.

Над новым концепт-каром работала та же самая команда дизайнеров, что и над Lotus Project Eagle. В июле 2008 года запланирована презентация концепта на автосалоне в Лондоне, а затем Lotus Project Eagle поступит в серийное производство.

Lotus также сообщил в своем пресс-релизе, что приобрести игрушечный автомобиль Lotus Hot Wheels, выполненный в масштабе 1:64, можно будет в следующем году.

Lotus Hot Wheels concept

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Photo: Lotus


Lotus Design Hot Wheels® Concept

Group Lotus plc has teamed up with Hot Wheels®, the famous global die-cast brand, to design, develop and produce a Lotus Hot Wheels® Concept vehicle. This 1:5 scale model was on display to the world at the annual SEMA Show at the Las Vegas Convention Centre between 29th October and 2nd November 2007, and a 1:64 scale version of the design will become part of the Hot Wheels® product range in
spring 2008.

To celebrate its 40th anniversary next year, Hot Wheels® approached Lotus and other world leaders in the automotive industry with the challenge for each company to produce a vehicle that embodies its own engineering philosophy and brand. The result from Lotus is a stunning open-top two seat sports car concept.

Russell Carr, Head of Lotus Design said; "This was a dream job for the design team because, for many of us, when we were children, it was Hot Wheels® that first ignited our passion for cars and design. Lotus Design's international reputation for designing visually dynamic and exhilarating sports cars perfectly fitted the brief for this programme and we relished the opportunity to design a concept that was
free from the typical technical and legal constraints of a full size car. In addition the design offered unique challenges because it has to work as a toy and we therefore had to remember how specific views, features and tactile qualities of toy cars fascinated us as children. I am very proud of the final design by Steven Crijns that succeeds in being both instantly recognisable as a Lotus and a Hot
Wheels® Car.

23.11.07 09:13 автор: maxwelld